VOC Boot Camp
Welcome to the start of VOC 2020-2021! We are so excited to have you in this ensemble and we want this year to be incredible, no matter what adversity we face! We are so excited to find a way to make this virtual bootcamp experience the best we possibly can! With that being said, here you will find the plan and updates during this week for our virtual camp! Please check this page daily! Attendance will be taken for all zoom sessions so please communicate with directors if you cannot make something or are having technical difficulties.
Daily schedule:
9:00-9:15 - morning meeting, announcements, attendance (all zoom links posted below)
9:15-9:30 - stretches together on zoom
9:30-12:00 - work independently on dances
dance breakdowns shared in a google drive (link will be posted here) ​
12:00-1:00 - lunch on your own
1:00-1:30 - attendance/team building activity through zoom
1:30-3:30 - work independently on dances
3:30-4:30 - dance cleaning / Q & A with choreographers through zoom
Daily Dress-Up Plan (As chosen by the seniors):
Wednesday - Buc-ee's Day (guys wear red & girls wear yellow)
Thursday - Directors colors (guys wear orange & girls wear green)
Friday - Cow Day (guys wear white & girls wear black)
Saturday - Remembrance Day (guys wear navy blue & girls wear orange)
Google Drive Link with all videos:
Zoom links (all sessions will have the password "chschoir"):
Wednesday morning: https://kellerisd.zoom.us/j/92358379264
Wednesday after lunch: https://kellerisd.zoom.us/j/98162093731
Wednesday choreographer session: https://zoom.us/j/94096620368?pwd=Q0FUajdTQUFDZVhTbVljeHBnSlFyQT09
Thursday morning: https://kellerisd.zoom.us/j/95671754864
Thursday after lunch: https://kellerisd.zoom.us/j/97958669282
Thursday choreographer session: https://zoom.us/j/94096620368?pwd=Q0FUajdTQUFDZVhTbVljeHBnSlFyQT09
Friday morning: https://kellerisd.zoom.us/j/99347459977
Friday after lunch: https://kellerisd.zoom.us/j/99157632476
Friday choreographer session: https://zoom.us/j/94096620368?pwd=Q0FUajdTQUFDZVhTbVljeHBnSlFyQT09
Saturday morning: https://kellerisd.zoom.us/j/95669379582
Saturday after lunch: https://kellerisd.zoom.us/j/93597264812
Saturday choreographer session: https://zoom.us/j/94096620368?pwd=Q0FUajdTQUFDZVhTbVljeHBnSlFyQT09